Let’s be honest––you’ve been home with your family or sweetheart or housemates for way longer than you expected to be, and life is feeling kind of stale. If you’d like to perk things up, bring a smile — or even just get a few minutes of time to yourself while everyone else is busy — try this treasure hunt. We’ve created a list of clues for a chocolate treasure hunt that can be done around the house. These clues can be tweaked to fit what you have at your house, but we hope they are ready to be printed, cut into strips, and planted around the house. Place a box of Tangle Chocolate THINS or other treat at the final location. The only rules are to have fun and enjoy some chocolate! 

Give the first clue to the treasure hunters. Hide the next clue in the place described by the first clue, and so on.

Clue #1. When we order chocolate online, this is the very first place the chocolate goes. 

Solution: in the mailbox. Put Clue #2 there.

Clue #2. Chocolate is an eat-with-your-hands kind of food, but your next clue can be found where we go look where we keep the forks and spoons! 

Solution: the utensil drawer/wherever you keep utensils. Put Clue #3 there.


Clue #3. Sleep soundly and dream of chocolate. You’ll find the next clue at the first place the tooth fairy visits. 

Solution: under a pillow. Put Clue #4 there.

Clue #4. If you eat too much chocolate, look in here for something to make your stomach feel better (and your next clue!) 

Solution: medicine cabinet. Put Clue #5 there. 

Clue #5. Another clue is waiting for you among the loose change and crumbs that hide here. 

Solution: Under a couch cushion. Put Clue #6 there.

Clue #6. Climb up high till you see the sky! If you want to eat your chocolate in private, no one will be able to find you here (but sharing makes everything sweeter!).  

Solution: in the tree house. Put Clue #7 there.


Clue #7. Did you know that dust bunnies like chocolate too? Clue #7 is hiding among them right now! 

Solution: under a bed. Put Clue #8 there.

Clue #8. Chocolate tells a story! Your next clue is nestled among your favorite books. Solution: in/on top of a bookshelf. Put Clue #9 there.


Clue #9. You’re so close! If you get messy while eating chocolate, make sure to throw your clothes in here to get all clean! 

Solution: washing machine OR dirty clothes hamper. Put Clue #10 there.

Clue #10. Last clue! Before you dig in, make sure to wash your hands––but don’t let your chocolate get wet! 

Solution: kitchen sink. Put your treasure somewhere near the sink. Now go give Clue #1 to the treasure hunters, and let the smiles begin!

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